

Date: 2013-07-01

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: novel, first-in-class Kv3 potassium channel modulator

Company: Autifony Therapeutics (UK) University of Manchester (UK) Newcastle University (UK)

Therapeutic area: Mental diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: schizophrenia


* On July 1, 2013,  Autifony Therapeutics, which is pioneering the development of novel pharmaceutical treatments for hearing disorders, has announced a collaboration with research groups at the University of Manchester and Newcastle University to develop a novel, first-in-class Kv3 potassium channel modulator for the treatment of schizophrenia. The £2.75 million research collaboration is part-funded by the award of a £1.9 million grant to Autifony and the two Universities, by the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board. The award follows a successful funding application to the Biomedical Catalyst, jointly funded by the Technology Strategy Board and the Medical Research Council.
Autifony’s lead programme is developing first-in-class Kv3 potassium channel modulators for hearing loss and tinnitus. This new collaboration aims to develop pharmaceutical compounds against the same target but with profiles differentiated and distinct from its hearing programme. Autifony and its collaborators will explore the modulation of this novel voltage gated potassium channel mechanism as a potential new therapy for schizophrenia.
The funding award will be used to enable selection of a compound from a group of potential candidates and then progression of the chosen compound through preclinical development up to a CTA/IND submission. Autifony is working closely with leading academic collaborators, Professors Neill, Williams and Deakin at the University of Manchester, and Drs Cunningham and LeBeau at Newcastle University, whose pioneering models of schizophrenia will give further validation of the target and insight into the disease pathology.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes