

Date: 2013-06-24

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: Alacrita (USA) Debiopharm (Switzerland)

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases – Cancer -Oncology - Infectious diseases - Metabolic diseases

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* On June 24, 2013, Alacrita, a life sciences consulting firm, and Debiopharm, a Swiss-based global biopharmaceutical company, have established an alliance to identify oncological, autoimmune, infectious diseases as well as metabolic in-licensing opportunities stemming from the Massachusetts life science cluster. Alacrita will strengthen Debiopharm’s in-house scouting team in their search for small molecules, antibody or peptide-based product candidates. The companies are seeking preclinical assets against novel targets which represent first-in-class opportunities.
Debiopharm focuses on the development of prescription drugs that target unmet medical needs. The company recently in-licensed assets from two Massachusetts companies, including Mercury Therapeutics Inc. (Woburn, MA) and Curis Inc. (Lexington, MA). In recognition of the depth and breadth of life science innovation in Massachusetts, Debiopharm sees the value of a local presence in the region and has selected Alacrita as its representative. Alacrita is also in charge of identifying opportunities for Debiopharm elsewhere on the East Coast.

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Is general: Yes