

Date: 2013-06-19

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: new therapeutic targets

Company: Sanofi (France) Curie-Cancer (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: ovarian cancer


* On June 19, 2013, Sanofi and the Curie Institute, through its Curie-Cancer partnership under the Institut Carnot label, have announced the establishment of a three-year research collaboration to identify new therapeutic targets for the development of treatments for ovarian cancer. The aim of the collaboration between Sanofi and Curie-Cancer is to revisit the basic biology of this type of cancer through a translational research approach. The Institut Curie has a large collection of cryopreserved tumor samples that are well characterized clinically, histologically and biologically. These can be analyzed to identify biological targets relevant to the effective treatment of certain types of cancer. Through this collaboration, Sanofi and Curie-Cancer expect to gain a better understanding of the molecular alterations that characterize many types of ovarian cancer, thereby enabling effective new drugs to be designed.
Using technology platforms developed by the Institut Curie by Xavier Sastre-Garau and Sergio Roman-Roman groups, this program will make it possible to sequence molecules expressed by the tumor genome, compare the sequences of those obtained with non-tumor tissues from the same patients, and then clarify and validate the nature of the molecular alterations that are identified. Sanofi’s expertise in the selection of therapeutic targets will then guide an assessment of the tumor\'s ability to be inhibited or stimulated by drugs.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes