

Date: 2013-05-30

Type of information: R&D agreement


Company: AstraZeneca (UK) Neomed (Canada)

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* On May 30, 2013,  Neomed and AstraZeneca have announced the expansion of their strategic partnership, further enabling Neomed’s mission of delivering novel therapeutic solutions for unmet medical needs. AstraZeneca will provide Neomed access to up to 250,000 high-quality compounds from its small molecule compound library to be used to identify candidate compounds for selected targets. The goal is to identify compounds that could potentially become new medicines for a broad range of diseases.
Under the terms of the agreement, Neomed will work with academic researchers and AstraZeneca scientists to identify active compounds and progress them into pharmaceutical lead candidates to achieve in vivo proof-of-concept, one of the key steps in developing new medicines. Using High Throughput Screening, initial chemical starting points (hits) for innovative targets emerging from academic research will be identified from this compound collection. This step will be performed by Neomed’s network of partners and collaborators.
Neomed is a not-for-profit, public-private Pharma alliance dedicated to drug discovery and development, acting as a foster home for promising assets emerging from academia and biotechnology companies. Neomed provides industry-level expertise and funding to bring emerging therapeutic approaches up to human proof-of-concept, a stage where the projects will become attractive to the biopharmaceutical industry. The alliance is funded jointly by AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the Ministère des finances et de l’Économie du Québec.

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