

Date: 2013-05-14

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: potential first in class monoclonal antibody

Company: Calypso Biotech (Switzerland) iDD Biotech (France)

Therapeutic area: Autoimmune diseases

Type agreement: licensing

Action mechanism:

Disease: refractory celiac disease


  • • On May 14, 2013, Calypso Biotech and iDD Biotech have announced that they have entered into a world wide, exclusive license agreement to develop and commercialize a potential first in class monoclonal antibody in the treatment of refractory celiac disease. The antibody will be developed by Calypso Biotech and is currently in pre-clinical development. Under the terms of the agreement, iDD biotech will receive an upfront payment and is eligible to receive milestones and royalties on sales.
  • Calypso Biotech is a spin-off company from Merck Serono, incorporated in March 2013 in Switzerland and which was seed-funded by Merck Serono Ventures as part of the Merck Serono’s Entrepreneur Partnership Program, an initiative launched in April 2012 following Merck’s announcement to close Merck Serono’s headquarters in Geneva. Calypso Biotech is developing first in class antibodies for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and other gastrointestinal autoimmune diseases.
  • iDD biotech funded in May 2008 by Hélène Rouquette (CEO) and Claudine Vermot-Desroches (CSO) is a biopharmaceutical R&D company operating in the emerging field of monoclonal antibody therapies for the treatment of cancer (solid tumours, haematology), autoimmune diseases or neurological disorders. Early development stages covered by iDD biotech are
  • (1) target selection,
  • (2) MAb lead identification,
  • (3) establishment of in vitro and in vivo proof of concept and
  • (4) bioprocess development suitable for industrial transfer and human applications, while ensuring strong intellectual property by filing patents.

Financial terms:

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