

Date: 2013-04-23

Type of information:

Compound: phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials

Company: Genentech, a member of Roche group (USA - Switzerland) - Institut Gustave Roussy - IGR (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: R&D
clinical research

Action mechanism:



Roche has renewed its partnership with « Service des Innovations Thérapeutiques Précoces » (SITEP) of the Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute. Beyond this renewal, the new alliance agreement aims to strenghten Genentech and Gustave Roussy Cancer Institute partnership. The main goals of this agreement are to develop new drugs and related biomarkers and to increase the number of early stage (phase 1 and 2) clinical trials conducted at the SITEP. This new alliance will provide a stronger framework that allow Gustave Roussy researchers to be involved much earlier in the drug development process. This is the first time Genentech is signing an agreement of this kind outside the United States. 14 clinical trials with Roche – Genentech candidates are currently underway or about to start at the Gustave Roussy Institute.

Financial terms:

Latest news:

Is general: Yes