

Date: 2013-05-28

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: programme of vector construction

Company: Cobra Biologics (Sweden) Recopharma (Sweden)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

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* On May 28, 2013, Cobra Biologics and Recopharma have entered agreement to utilise Cobra’s Cell Line Development Service- MaxXpress. Cobra Biologics will apply its cost-effective maxXpress platform service to deliver a programme of vector construction using the UCOE technology, transfectant pool generation, and supply, purification and protein characterisation. The service allows Recopharma to form a quick and reliable assessment on the specific expertise of Cobra’s cell line development and analytical scientist teams.
Recopharma has developed a unique technology that uses mucins, naturally occurring proteins produced by epithelial tissues with many potential applications. The FC fused mucins will provide a natural alternative to ocular lubricants and tear substitutes that are at present available and set to be used as a treatment and prophylactic that tackles viral conjunctivitis.

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Is general: Yes