

Date: 2013-05-21

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: cell therapies

Company: The Cell Therapy Catapult (UK) GSK (UK)

Therapeutic area: Regenerative medicine

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

cell therapy



* On May 21, 2013, the Cell Therapy Catapult, which is focused on the development of the UK cell therapy industry to increase the nation's health and wealth, will be working with GSK to explore potential collaborations in a range of areas relevant to the development of cell therapies, from research projects to technical and regulatory strategy. The Cell Therapy Catapult is a centre of excellence for cell therapy and regenerative medicine established in 2012 to stimulate innovation in this area. GSK is currently developing a bone marrow-derived stem cell gene therapy through late phase development and has a small number of collaborations in this field.

Financial terms:

Latest news:

Is general: Yes