

Date: 2013-05-16

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: novel anti-bacterial agents targeting peptidoglycan biosynthesis

Company: Evotec (Germany) Harvard University (USA)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

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* On May 16, 2013, Evotec has announced a research collaboration with Harvard University aimed at discovering and developing novel anti-bacterial agents based on a highly validated target family involved in bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. Researchers at Harvard and Evotec will collaboratively identify and optimize small molecule inhibitors of bacterial cell wall synthesis, based on enabling technologies and chemical starting points licensed from Harvard. Using its comprehensive drug discovery infrastructure and expertise in addressing anti-bacterial targets, Evotec will specifically target peptidoglycan biosynthesis (PGB). The commercialisation of the resulting assets will be through Evotec.
Exploiting proprietary assays, chemical starting points, and x-ray crystallographic tools from Harvard, the collaboration paves the way to develop novel antibacterial agents targeting PGB. The collaboration leverages the longstanding research of Daniel Kahne and Suzanne Walker, Professors in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and in the Departments of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology and Microbiology and Immunobiology, respectively, and Evotec’s experience in the antibacterial space.

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Is general: Yes