

Date: 2013-05-08

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: first-in-class small molecule treatments

Company: Shire (UK) Nimbus Discovery (USA)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases

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Disease: lysosomal storage disorders


Nimbus Discovery has announced a co-development agreement with Shire focused on small molecule treatments for several rare genetic diseases known as lysosomal storage disorders. The goal of the collaboration is to utilize the Nimbus breakthrough computational chemistry approach to discover and develop novel, disease-altering therapies. Many lysosomal storage disorders remain untreated because of challenges in creating drugs that can effectively reach the disease site. The significant potential of this partnership is the development of the first small molecule agents designed to penetrate inaccessible tissues while offering the convenience of an orally-administered pill.
The Nimbus Shire collaboration is the result of a joint assessment of a series of important rare disease targets with significant unmet medical need. One target was ultimately chosen to be the research focus. Under the terms of the agreement, Nimbus will use its cutting-edge research and development platform to extensively profile molecules against the agreed upon disease target and will deliver a drug candidate that is ready to enter late preclinical studies. Nimbus will control and conduct all related research up to achievement of drug candidate status at which point Shire will have an exclusive option to acquire the program. Shire will then be responsible for all clinical development and future commercialization activities. Nimbus is eligible to receive preclinical, development and commercial stage milestones commensurate with the innovative nature of the research and significant unmet medical need of the disease indications.
This is the first deal announced through Shire’s strategic alliance with Atlas Venture, which identifies investments for early stage venture creation around rare genetic diseases.

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Is general: Yes