

Date: 2013-05-03

Type of information: Product acquisition

Compound: antibodies targeting the PDGF (platelet derived growth factor) family of receptors and ligands in ophthalmology and all other indications and to antibodies targeting the ANG2 (angiopoietin2) receptor and ligand in ophthalmology

Company: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (USA) Sanofi (France)

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:



Regeneron Pharmaceuticals has expanded its ophthalmology portfolio by acquiring full exclusive rights to two families of novel antibodies invented at Regeneron and previously included in Regeneron\'s antibody collaboration with Sanofi.  Regeneron acquired full rights to antibodies targeting the PDGF (platelet derived growth factor) family of receptors and ligands in ophthalmology and all other indications and to antibodies targeting the ANG2 (angiopoietin2) receptor and ligand in ophthalmology. Antibodies to PDGF and ANG2 are currently in preclinical development for use in ophthalmology. Antibodies to ANG2 outside of ophthalmology will continue to be developed by Regeneron and Sanofi under their antibody collaboration agreement, including REGN910 (SAR 307746), an antibody to ANG2 that is currently in Phase 1 development in patients with advanced malignancies.

Financial terms:

With respect to PDGF antibodies, Regeneron will pay Sanofi $10 million upfront, up to $40 million in development milestone payments, and royalties on sales.  With respect to ANG2 antibodies in ophthalmology, Regeneron will pay Sanofi $10 million upfront, a potential $5 million development milestone payment, and royalties on sales.

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