

Date: 2015-01-14

Type of information: Exercise of an option agreement

Compound: novel cancer antibody targets

Company: Oxford BioTherapeutics (UK) Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:



Action mechanism:



* On April 29, 2013, Oxford BioTherapeutics and Boehringer Ingelheim have announced a new alliance focused on the discovery of novel cancer antibody targets that OBT will identify with the help of its OGAP® discovery platform. Under the collaboration OBT will validate certain targets it has discovered that are compatible with targeting by various antibody drug formats across a range of cancer indications. Following completion of these activities, BI will have the exclusive right to develop and commercialize antibody products for selected programs.

Financial terms:

OBT will receive an undisclosed upfront payment and FTE funding for its activities under the collaboration, and will be eligible for certain milestone payments upon the achievement of specified discovery, development and commercialization milestones, as well as royalties on sales of any resulting products.

Latest news:

* On January 14, 2015, Oxford BioTherapeutics announced that Boehringer Ingelheim has exercised an option to receive exclusive rights to an oncology target from an ongoing discovery collaboration. The target was discovered using Oxford BioTherapeutics’ proprietary OGAP® system, which incorporates one of the world’s largest proprietary proteomic databases, integrating clinical, experimental and expression data. This represents the first option exercised under the companies’ oncology target discovery and validation collaboration established in 2013. Under the terms of the agreement, Boehringer Ingelheim will be responsible for the future development and commercialization of antibody products to the target. Oxford BioTherapeutics will receive development and regulatory milestone payments, and royalties on any future product sales.

Is general: Yes