
Clinical Trials

Date: 2018-10-16

Type of information: Initiation of development program

phase: preclinical

Announcement: initiation of development program

Company: BioInvent (Sweden)

Product: anti FcgammaRllB antibody/anti-PD1 antibody program

Action mechanism: monoclonal antibody/immune checkpoint inhibitor

Disease: solid tumors

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology


Trial details:

Latest news:

  • • On October 16, 2018, BioInvent announced its intention to initiate three new clinical programs in solid cancer. In addition to the previously disclosed programs (BI-1206 + rituximab – projected topline results H1 2020; and the Transgene and Pfizer collaborations), and subject to successful preclinical results and sufficient financial resources, BioInvent intends to advance the anti FcgammaRllB antibody/anti-PD1 antibody program in solid cancer (projected start phase l/lla in H1 2019).

Is general: Yes